Proven relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
What is Alpha-Stim?
Alpha-Stim® is an FDA cleared, drug-free treatment that is proven to safely and effectively relieve pain, anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
Alpha-Stim uses cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) to deliver a patented waveform via two earclip electrodes. Treatments typically take 20 minutes and can be done in the comfort of your own home while doing normal, everyday activities. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with physical therapy, medication and other forms of pain management.
Relief is often immediate and treatments are cumulative, meaning that, over time, the device(s) train your brain to do on it’s own what the treatment provides.
Unlike medications, Alpha-Stim treatments have no lasting side effects, no risk of addiction, and no danger of interaction with medications.
How Alpha-Stim Works
Medications are introduced to your body in a chemical form and then broken down to smaller components, such as electrons. Alpha-Stim begins at the electron level, allowing your body’s cells to return to their natural functioning state.
It does this by generating a microcurrent through the brain which stimulates and modulates specific groups of nerve cells, successfully changing the brain’s electrical and chemical activity. In changing the activity of the brain, Alpha-Stim amplifies some neurological systems and deactivates others, effectively “evening things out.”
For example: Someone suffering from anxiety may have over-active nerve cells in one part of the brain and under-active nerve cells in another part and the imbalance contributes to their anxiety. The current generated by an Alpha-Stim device calms the over-active cells and stimulates the under-active cells, restores balance to the brain, and provides relief to the anxious person.
What to Expect
Pain control is usually experienced immediately during a treatment and may continue to diminish for hours after. Treatment frequency can be decreased over time and then may be done only as needed.
Anxiety reduction is usually experienced during a single treatment and may last for hours or days. Treatments are cumulative and can be done 2–3 times a week for treatment or as needed.
Insomnia usually improves after the initial treatment but may take up to 4 weeks to see significant change. Treatment is done before bedtime and can be used when awakened during the night.
Depression typically takes 3 weeks or more of daily treatment to experience significant improvement. Once symptoms have improved, Alpha-Stim can be used 2–3 a week or less to maintain good results.
Charts - patient self-reports of Alpha-Stim usage vs pharmacological usage. Source.
Types of Alpha-Stim Devices
Alpha-Stim AID
The Alpha-Stim AID device primarily relieves symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and depression. It includes:
one set of Earclip Electrodes
256 Earclip Electrodes
conducting solution
storage case
neck lanyard
two AAA batteries
illustrated Owner’s Manual
Alpha-Stim M
The Alpha-Stim M device primarily treats acute, chronic, and post-traumatic pain, while also treating other conditions often associated with pain (including anxiety, insomnia, and depression). It includes:
one package of 4 AS-Trode electrode pads
two lead wires
two Smart Probes
100 Probe Electrode Pads
one set of Earclip Electrodes
256 Earclip Electrode Pads
conducting solution
storage case
neck lanyard
two AAA batteries
illustrated Owner’s Manual
How to Purchase Alpha-Stim
Currently, a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional is required to purchase an Alpha-Stim device.
At Rethink Psychiatry, an Alpha-Stim device can be tried during any in-office appointment. Once tried, an Alpha-Stim device will be offered at a reduced rate.
Interested in how Alpha-Stim can help you or your family members reduce stress, sleep better, manage pain and generally feel better? Contact us for more information.