
 What We Treat

 Dr. Kalyanapu is trained extensively in child psychiatry and also works with patients of all ages struggling with these psychiatric conditions:

  • depression and mood disorders

  • panic and other anxiety disorders

  • autism spectrum / pervasive developmental disorders (ASD/PDD)

  • attention-deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD)

  • obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)

  • traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

  • posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • patients seeking to discontinue, minimize, or avoid use of psychiatric medications

 How We Treat

Optimal brain health requires optimal health in general. While much of modern medicine treats symptoms — “You’re depressed? Here’s some Prozac…” — a functional medicine approach to wellness looks at the environmental and biological causes of illness. Integrative medicine is therefore more of a partnership that requires significant effort, willingness to make changes, and patience as the causes of an illness are uncovered.

A comprehensive therapeutic approach to your specific needs often involves uncovering the underlying causes of a psychiatric illness, such as:

  • Gut-Brain Connection - leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, histamine intolerance

  • Nutrition - nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, diets including gluten-free, ancestral, Paleo, low histamine, low oxalate, trophology

  • Hormonal Imbalances - adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, premenstrual syndrome

  • Toxins - heavy metals, mold, electromagnetic frequencies, environmental chemical toxins

  • Chronic Infections - Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, parasites, fungal overgrowth

  • Sleep - sleep-disordered breathing, low progesterone, circadian rhythm issues, blue light exposure

 Types of Therapy

Dr. Kalyanapu’s therapeutic approach bridges the gap between pharmacologic and natural medicines. In addition to traditional approaches, Dr. Kalyanapu uses a variety of modalities to achieve the best results, ranging from ancient practices to the technologically advanced.

  • Supplements — vitamins, minerals, probiotics, herbal medications

  • Prescriptions — psychotropic medications, thyroid supplementation, compounded vitamins

  • Lifestyle — diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, goal-setting, stress reduction

  • Complementary and Alternative Therapies — referrals for neurofeedback, visual therapy, craniosacral therapy, chiropractic, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, intravenous NAD, and hyperbaric oxygen.

  • Alpha-Stim — electrotherapy stimulation to treat pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression without the side-effects associated with pharmaceuticals

 Therapeutic Approach

Today, Dr. Kalyanapu’s therapeutic approach is based on functional medicine — aka complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), integrative medicine, or anti-aging medicine. In practice, Dr. Kalyanapu’s therapeutic approach “looks like.”


Your initial consultation provides the opportunity for immediate relief from psychiatric symptoms through commonly used pharmacological and other natural treatments.


Through blood testing, stool testing, hormone analysis, supplement management, brain imaging, and studying the latest medical literature, Dr. K explores the possible biological causes of your condition.


Individual treatment plans are determined for each patient after obtaining a thorough patient history and lab testing. Modalities include diet changes, supplements, medications, and referrals for other specialized care.


Working together, your ongoing partnership with Dr. K will fine-tune your treatment plan to make this comprehensive approach work for you. Ultimately, you can take control of your own physical and mental health.