ESA Doctor Letter
For emotional support animals
Unlike a service animal which supports people with a physical disability, an emotional support animal (ESA) provides support for people diagnosed with a psychological disability or condition, such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, mood disorders, neurocognitive disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), seizure disorders, and substance abuse problems.
Those who wish to have an emotional support animal must meet several qualifications and must obtain an ESA letter verifying that the animal is beneficial to their mental health. To meet approval, an ESA Letter must contain the following information:
you’re a current patient of the signing mental health professional
you’re under the mental health professional’s care and treatment of your disability
you’re substantially limited in performing or participating in at least one of life’s major activities because of your disability
an emotional support animal is an integral part of the treatment of your current condition
Rethink Psychiatry sees emotional support animals as a part of a larger treatment plan that can provide comfort and companionship as you confront mental health challenges and is happy to provide ESA letters to qualified patients. This process is typically initiated with a 30 minute consultation and scheduled follow-up appointment. Following the consultation, we’ll provide:
a signed ESA Doctor Letter for housing and air travel that’s valid for 1 year
backup copy of your letter
assistance with a landlord if needed
Information on registration of and commonly asked questions about emotional support animals can be found on the US Service Animals website at usserviceanimals.org..